Список запросов для обновления таблиц
Данные | Запрос |
PRESENTATION_STOCK_HISTORY | update h set end_date=cast(getdate() as date) from PRESENTATION_STOCK_HISTORY h where ( (isnull(PRESENTATION_1, -1) != isnull((select PRESENTATION_1 from RPM_PRESENTATION s where s.sku_id=h.sku_id and s.store_id=h.store_id), -1)) or (not exists (select 1 from RPM_PRESENTATION s where s.sku_id=h.sku_id and s.store_id=h.store_id)) ) and end_date is null; update h set end_date=cast(getdate() as date) from PRESENTATION_STOCK_HISTORY h where ( (isnull(PRESENTATION_1, -1) != isnull((select PRESENTATION_1 from RPM_PRESENTATION s where s.sku_id=h.sku_id and s.store_id=h.store_id), -1)) or (not exists (select 1 from RPM_PRESENTATION s where s.sku_id=h.sku_id and s.store_id=h.store_id)) ) |
| insert into PRESENTATION_STOCK_HISTORY (sku_id, store_id, PRESENTATION_1, start_date) select sku_id, store_id, PRESENTATION_1, cast(getdate() as date) from RPM_PRESENTATION s where not exists (select 1 from PRESENTATION_STOCK_HISTORY h where h.sku_id=s.sku_id and h.store_id=s.store_id and h.end_date is null); insert into PRESENTATION_STOCK_HISTORY (sku_id, store_id, PRESENTATION_1, start_date)
select sku_id, store_id, PRESENTATION_1, cast(getdate() as date)
where not exists (select 1 from PRESENTATION_STOCK_HISTORY h where h.sku_id=s.sku_id and h.store_id=s.store_id and h.end_date is null); |
SALES_SKU и SALES_GROUP | Заполняется вызовом процедуры after_SALES_SKU_DAY (@sdate) |
WH_VOLUME и WH_VALUE в SALES_SKU_DAY | Заполняется вызовом процедуры after_SALES_SKU_DAY (@sdate) |
SKU_RANGE | update sku_range set end_date=getdate(), updated=getdate() where end_date is null and not exists (select 1 from sku_range_current c where sku_range.sku_id=c.sku_id and sku_range.store_id=c.store_id) and exists (select 1 from sku_range_current); update sku_range
set end_date=getdate(), updated=getdate()
where end_date is null
and not exists (select 1 from sku_range_current c where sku_range.sku_id=c.sku_id and sku_range.store_id=c.store_id)
and exists (select 1 from sku_range_current); |
| insert into sku_range (sku_id, store_id, start_date, updated) select sku_id, store_id, getdate(), getdate() from sku_range_current c where not exists (select 1 from sku_range r where r.sku_id=c.sku_id and r.store_id=c.store_id and r.end_date is null); insert into sku_range (sku_id, store_id, start_date, updated)
select sku_id, store_id, getdate(), getdate()
from sku_range_current c
where not exists (select 1 from sku_range r where r.sku_id=c.sku_id and r.store_id=c.store_id and r.end_date is null); |
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