The attached excel file contains a list of tables with columns description for each function block data load. It also highlights required and optional tables/fields that are only used when certain features are enabled.
Data type | MSSQL | ORACLE | MySQL | PostgeeSQL |
Integer 4 Bytes -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 | int | number(10) | int | integer |
Integer 2 Bytes -32,768 to 32,767 | smallint | number(5) | smallint | smallint |
1 Byte 0 to 255 | tinyint | number(3) | smallint | smallint |
identity insert | IDENTITY | SEQUENCE | AUTO_INCREMENT | serial (integer) |
ascii string with fixed length | char(*) | char(*) | char(*) character set latin1 | char(*) |
UNICODE string with fixed length | nchar | nchar(*) | char(*) character set utf8mb4 | char(*) |
ascii string with variable length | varchar(*) | varchar2(*) | varchar(*) character set latin1 | varchar(*) |
UNICODE string with variable length | nvarchar(*) | nvarchar2(*) | varchar(*) character set utf8mb4 | varchar(*) |
Date | date | date | date | date |
Date and time (DB server time) | datetime | timestamp | datetime | timestamp without timezone |
Decimal number with p length and s precision | numeric(p,s) | number(p,s) | numeric(p,s) | numeric(p,s) |
Column name | Data type | Allow NULL | Required field | Column Description |
PRICELINE_ID | smallint | NOT NULL | Y | Price number |
NAME | nvarchar(256) | NULL |
| Name |
UPDATED | datetime | NULL |
| Update date |
CLIENT_CODE | * | * | * | The priceline ID in the client ERP system, if it is not compatible with the smallint type. Used to transfer data between systems. |
Column name | Data type | Allow NULL | Required field | Column Description |
REGION_ID | smallint | NOT NULL | Y | Region number |
REGION_NAME | nvarchar(256) | NULL | Y | Region name |
CLIENT_CODE | * | * | * | The region ID in the client ERP system, if it is not compatible with the smallint type. Used to transfer data between systems. |
Column name | Data type | Allow NULL | Required field | Column Description |
STORE_ID | smallint | NOT NULL | Y | Store number. It is desirable that the number that the user sees is filled in here |
STORE_NAME | nvarchar(256) | NOT NULL | Y | Store name |
REGION_ID | smallint | NOT NULL | Y | Region number from the REGIONS table |
PRICELINE_ID | smallint | NULL | Price serial number from the PRICELINES table | |
OPEN_DATE | date | NULL | Store opening date | |
CLOSE_DATE | date | NULL | Store closing date | |
STORE_CODE | nvarchar(32) | NULL | Store code from the accounting system. Filled in only if the STORE_ID field is generated and does not match the number that the user sees. | |
ADDRESS | nvarchar(256) | NULL | Store Address | |
UPDATED | datetime | NULL | Update date | |
WHS | tinyint | NULL | Warehouse sign. Filled in as 1 for warehouses. Stores must be NULL. The value 0 is not allowed. | |
FORMAT_ID | tinyint | NULL | Store Format Id | |
FORMAT_CODE | char(1) | NULL | Store Format Code (e.g. Mini, Super, Hyper, Warehouse) | |
CLIENT_CODE | * | * | * | The store ID / warehouse ID in the client ERP system, if it is not compatible with the smallint type. If different table in ERP system used, use a prefix, such as S for stores (S45) and W for warehouses (W2). Used to transfer data between systems. |
Column name | Data type | Allow NULL | Required field | Column Description |
GROUP_ID | smallint | NOT NULL | Y | Group number |
GROUP_NAME | nvarchar(256) | NULL | Y | The name of the group of goods. Unique. |
GROUP_CODE | nvarchar(32) | NULL | Group code from accounting system | |
PARENT_GROUP_ID | smallint | NULL | Paternal group number (for building hierarchies) | |
UPLIFT_WO_DISC | number(12, 2) | NULL | Filled in on the MySales side | |
UPLIFT_WITH_DISC | number(12, 2) | NULL | Filled in on the MySales side | |
AVG_BENEFIT | number(8, 2) | NULL | Filled in on the MySales side | |
AVG_ITEM_WIDTH | number(10, 2) | NULL | Filled in on the MySales side | |
UPDATED | datetime | NULL | Update date | |
CLIENT_CODE | * | * | * | The group ID in the client ERP system, if it is not compatible with the smallint type. Used to transfer data between systems. |
Column name | Data type | Allow NULL | Required field | Column Description |
SKU_ID | int | NOT NULL | Y | Product identifier |
GROUP_ID | smallint | NOT NULL | Y | Group number from the GROUPS table. SKUs are tied to the lowest level of the product hierarchy. |
ARTICLE_NAME | nvarchar(256) | NOT NULL | Y | Name of product. Unique |
ITEM_CODE | nvarchar(20) | NULL | Item code from the accounting system. Filled in only if the SKU_ID field is generated and does not match the number that the user sees | |
SUPPLIER_ID | smallint | NULLOnly for replenishment | Supplier identifier from SUPPLIERS table. | |
LAST_PURCHASE_PRICE | number(10, 2) | NULL | Purchase price WITHOUT value added tax | |
LAST_SALES_WEEK | number(10, 2) | NULL | Filled in on the MySales side | |
UPLIFT_WO_DISC | number(10, 2) | NULL | Filled in on the MySales side | |
UPLIFT_WITH_DISC | number(10, 2) | NULL | Filled in on the MySales side | |
AVG_BENEFIT | number(10, 2) | NULL | Filled in on the MySales side | |
SHELF_DAYS | smallint | NULL | Required for Replenishment | Total expiration period, in days. (Expiration date minus production date) |
PACKAGE_CONTENT | number(10, 3) | NULL | Only for Reorder Point | Multiplicity of orders for DC |
MIN_ORDER_QTY | number(10, 3) | NULL | Only for Reorder Point | Minimum order quantity |
PRODUCTS_UOM | nvarchar(10) | NULLY | unit of measurement | |
UPDATED | datetime | NULL | insert or update date | |
VAT_PERCENT | number(5, 2) | NULL | Only for Price Optimisation | % vat on value added purchases. If %=0 then put 0 |
WEIGHT | number(10, 3) | NULL | Only for Replenishment | Product weight, kg |
VOLUME | number(10, 3) | NULL | Product volume, l | |
HEIGHT | number(6, 2) | NULL | Product height, см | |
WIDTH | number(6, 2) | NULL | Product width, cm | |
DEPTH | number(6, 2) | NULL | Product length, cm | |
CLIENT_CODE | * | * | * | The product ID in the client ERP system, if it is not compatible with the int type. |
Column name | Data type | Allow NULL | Required field | Column Description |
SUPPLIER_ID | smallint | NOT NULL | Y | Supplier identifier |
SUPPLIER_CODE | nvarchar(9) | NULL |
| Supplier code in the ERP system |
SUPPLIER_NAME | nvarchar(256) | NULL | Y | Supplier name |
UPDATED | datetime | NULL |
| Update date |
CLIENT_CODE | * | * | * | The supplier ID in the client ERP system, if it is not compatible with the smallint type. |
Column name | Data type | Allow NULL | Required field | Column Description |
CONTRACT_ID | smallint | NOT NULL | Y | Contract identifier |
SUPPLIER_ID | smallint | NOT NULL | Y | Supplier identifier from SUPPLIERS.SUPPLIER_ID |
CONTRACT_CODE | nvarchar(9) | NULL |
| Contract number in the accounting system |
CONTRACT_NAME | nvarchar(256) | NULL |
| Contract name or description |
CURRENCY_CODE | nvarchar(5) | NULL | Currency code | |
UPDATED | datetime | NULL |
| Update date |
CLIENT_CODE | * | * | * | The contract ID in the client ERP system, if it is not compatible with the smallint type. |
Column name | Data type | Allow NULL | Required field | Column Description |
ID | smallint | NOT NULL | Y | Manager identifier |
NAME | nvarchar(120) | NOT NULL | Y | Manager name |
nvarchar(100) | NULL |
| ||
PHONE | nvarchar(50) | NULL |
| Phone number |
UPDATED | datetime | NULL |
| Update date |
CLIENT_CODE | * | * | * | The manager ID in the client ERP system, if it is not compatible with the smallint type. |
Column name | Data type | Allow NULL | Required field | Column Description |
UOM | nvarchar(10) | NOT NULL | Y | To order your own imports and optimize logistics |
UOM_TYPE | nvarchar(10) | NOT NULL | Y | Unit type: BASE - Base BASE_X - Base derivative BASE_A - Base, alternative COM - Commercial (no conversion units) |
UOM_CLASS | nvarchar(10) | NOT NULL | Y | Unit class for base (BASE) PIECE, WEIGHT, VOLUME, LENGTH, SQ |
PRECISION | smallint | NOT NULL | Y | Accuracy, number of characters |
X | numeric(10,5) | NOT NULL | Y | Calculation coefficient (x = 12 means 1 box = 12 pcs) |
UOM_X | nvarchar(10) | NOT NULL | Y | Link to recalculation (UOM) |
UOM_X_BASE | nvarchar(10) | NOT NULL | Y | Recalculation to base unit of measure |
UOM_NAME | nvarchar(15) | NOT NULL | Y | Name of the unit of measurement |
UPDATED | datetime | NULL |
| Date of change |
CLIENT_CODE | * | * | * | The UOM ID in the client ERP system, if it is not compatible with the nvarchar(*) type. |
Column name | Data type | Allow NULL | Required field | Column Description |
SKU_ID | int | NOT NULL | Y | Product identifier from PRODUCTS.SKU_ID |
UOM | nvarchar(10) | NOT NULL | Y | Unit Reference (Table UOM_CLASSES.UOM) |
UOM_NAME | nvarchar(10) | NOT NULL | Y | Name - for example, for piece goods |
X | numeric(10,5) | NOT NULL | Y | Conversion factor for derived units = X/Y |
Y | numeric(10,5) | NOT NULL | Y | Conversion factor for derived units = X/Y |
UOM_X | nvarchar(10) | NOT NULL | Y | Reference to the unit of conversion |
UOM_X_BASE | numeric(10,3) | NOT NULL | Y | Quantity from the base unit of measurement - calculated value |
NET_WIGHT | numeric(10,3) | NULL |
| Net weight - filled in for the base unit of measure only |
NET_VOLUME | numeric(10,3) | NULL |
| Net volume - filled in for the base unit of measure only |
GROSS_WEIGHT | numeric(10,3) | NULL |
| Gross weight - logistics - filled in for all units of measure |
GROSS_VOLUME | numeric(10,3) | NULL |
| Gross volume - logistics - filled in for all units of measure |
LENGTH | numeric(8,3) | NULL |
| Length (overall length - logistics) |
WIDTH | numeric(8,3) | NULL |
| Width (overall width - logistics) |
HEIGHT | numeric(8,3) | NULL |
| Height (Overall height - logistics) |
| The user who made the changes |
UPDATED | datetime | NULL |
| Date of change |
CLIENT_CODE | * | * | * | Used to transfer data between systems. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
ID | int | Order identifier / number created by MySales |
STORE_ID | smallint | Store identifier from STORES.STORE_ID |
SUPPLIER_ID | smallint | Supplier identifier from SUPPLIERS.SUPPLIER_ID |
CONTRACT_ID | smallint | Contract identifier from CONTRACTS.CONTRACT_ID |
WHS_ID | smallint | Warehouse identifier from STORES.STORE_ID |
WHS_ORDER_ID | int | Оnly for cross-dock store orders. Warehouse order identifier / number for cross-dock combined order |
PUSH_ID | int | Оnly for push orders. Push identifier / number RPM_PUSH.ID |
ADD_LOAD_ID | int | Оnly if the order with the additional load period. Additional load identifier / number from RPM_ADD.ID |
ORDER_DATE | date | Order Date |
DELIVERY_DATE | date | Planned Delivery Date |
SEPARATE_ORDER_TYPE | varchar(5) | Sign of a split order: pz - pick to zero, pr - promo, pzpr - pick to zero promo, t - tender, pzt - pick to zero tender, prt - promo tender |
STORE_CROSS_DOCK_ORDERS | varchar | Order identifiers / numbers of stores cross-dock warehouse order |
SKU_ID | int | Product identifier from PRODUCTS.SKU_ID |
EXT_MANAGER_ID | smallint | Manager identifier for the product / store from |
ORDER_VOLUME | number(11,2) | Order Quantity |
UPDATE_DATE | datetime | Last modified order date |