List - displays all the promos in the form of a list with the name and basic information about the promo. Details on working with the promo list are described in the section Operating manual;
Calendar - displays all the promos in the form of a calendar with the ability to display information in the weekly and monthly formats. The promo calendar is described in detail in the Promo calendar section.
How we predict promo
When you select the function of downloading promo to Excel, the system automatically creates an Excel file with information about the promo. The structure of this file is can be customized for user needs. An example of excel file: "Excel File Example".
Loading files with promo data
SKU_ID/ITEM_CODE - the identifier of the product for which you want to load data. In the case of loading by MySales code, you must use SKU_ID, but if loading by the internal code, you must use ITEM_CODE;
BENEFIT_PERC - the benefit for SKU, must be expressed as a percentage with a sign of % at the end (for example 40%, 33%, 28%);
COMMUNICATIONS - communications for SKU. Enter either a communication number or its full name (the way it is saved in the system). Each new communication for SKU has to be added in through the semicolon after the previous one in the row with SKU.
An example of csv file: "Example of csv file with data".
Example csv file is filled with discounts and communications for the three SKUs:
For SKU 360274 both benefit and communication are filled (using the name of the communication).
For SKU 360337 only benefit is filled. Communications need not be filled, but you need to put the required number of semicolons.
For SKU 1137890 both benefit and communication are filled (using the communication number).
It is important that the number of semicolons in each line with SKU should be equal.
Updated discounts on SKU level for already added SKUs in promos. It is used if the user needs to change the discounts for individual SKUs in the promo. В файле должно быть две колонки:
SKU_ID/ITEM_CODE - the identifier of the product for which you want to load data. In the case of loading by MySales code, you must use SKU_ID, but if loading by the internal code, you must use ITEM_CODE;
BENEFIT_PERC - the benefit for SKU, must be expressed as a percentage with a sign of % at the end (for example 40%, 33%, 28%);
The master forecast data. It is used if it is necessary to load data from the file about the master forecast for individual SKUs in the promo (master forecast is a manual forecast obtained by experts). The downloaded file must have the csv extension and the following fields (all fields must be separated by a semicolon):
SKU_ID/ITEM_CODE - the identifier of the product for which you want to load data. In the case of loading by MySales code, you must use SKU_ID, but if loading by the internal code, you must use ITEM_CODE;
FCST - master forecast value for SKU;
WEEK - week for which the master forecast is loaded (optional field);
An example of csv file: "Example of file for master forecast data load".
Promo calendar
A promo calendar is another convenient way to display a promo. It allows the user to track and control all the promos at specific time intervals. In contrast to the list display, the user can see which promos are being held, view past promos, and see their effectiveness in a convenient familiar calendar.